A time honored Kentucky tradition. The summer yard sale. It's hard to believe for 9 years now, we have been hosting two big sales annually. Our Blue Friday sale and the Yard Sale! However, this will be the first year since the pandemic that we have our in-person sale at The Kentucky Shop warehouse (Located adjacent to the shop). 

Up to 80% OFF online and in-person at our Warehouse. We will have limited run print items, old stock, and more!

The online sale begins on July 21 at 10AM and will run the entire weekend through midnight on Sunday, but since it is a clearance sale, items will likely sell out early in the weekend. 

The In-person warehouse sale will be on Saturday, July 22 from 11AM-4PM. Come out to the warehouse located at 1093 W. High Street in downtown Lexington at the rear entrance off Roberston Street. You will see our Dolly Parton Mural, and it is right around the corner! 

July 14, 2023 — Joni Paynter